Rapid Prototyping Services

Rapid prototyping is a strategy for maximizing speed and precision throughout the product development process. This allows products to be tested more efficiently and brought to market sooner than traditional prototyping methods that can take days or even weeks to complete. CNC machining companies that offer rapid prototyping services can provide much value to a project. Learn more about rapid prototyping CNC machining and how to maximize its potential for your next product design and launch.

What Is Rapid Prototyping?

Rapid prototyping uses computer-aided design (CAD) software to create a scale model of a product design. The purpose of a rapid prototype is to provide product developers with valuable information pertaining to the fit, form, and function of the product being developed. With rapid CNC machining prototypes, developers can physically hold and test a product before ordering the final production run. 

There are many advantages to implementing rapid prototyping services into the product design process.

  • Cost Savings: Rapid prototyping allows design flaws to be identified early. This can help designers avoid costly issues down the line when the stakes are higher. 
  • Faster to Market: Rapid prototyping is just as it sounds: rapid. Quick turnaround of prototypes means a product can reach the market faster and give you an advantage over the competition. 
  • Iterative Designs: Rapid prototyping methods like rapid CNC machining are conducive to allowing designers to test multiple iterations of a single product. Side-by-side testing can provide valuable insight into a final product.
CNC machining for rapid prototyping

How to Maximize the Rapid Prototyping Process

Implementing rapid prototyping services into the product design process will be beneficial for nearly every project. Things to consider:

  • Design for Manufacturability (DFM): DFM and rapid prototyping go together hand in hand. By carefully navigating the design for manufacturability process as part of the creation of a rapid prototyping design, you can save both time and money.
  • Material Choices: Rapid prototyping services can be completed using a number of different materials. Choosing the right materials is essential for project success. 
  • Surface Finishes and Add-ons: Rapid prototyping CNC machining often does not include additional actions such as surface finishing, painting, or additional product add-ons. It is important to consider the final product and that additional work may be required after the CNC machining process.

Schantz Machine & Fabrication Rapid Prototyping Services

Your product success is our success at Schantz Machine & Fabrication. We make great efforts to provide comprehensive design, machining, and fabrication services that satisfy the needs of various industries, including automotive, medical, construction, and more.

Our rapid prototyping CNC machining services mean you can see, touch, and test your product in real-world conditions before committing to full production. Every rapid prototype service is completed with your convenience and budget in mind. We provide fast turnaround and valuable DFM insight to help you get the most out of your design. Talk to a CNC design expert about your next project.

How Can We Help You Today?

From initial design, to prototypes and full production,

you can count on us to deliver quality parts,

on time and on budget!

Quality Parts on Time and on Budget!